Tools News and Updates
New Parent Tools
for AIM - AIM 6.0 Support!
March 27, 2007 |
Parent Tools for AIM ( download)
will now record IM and chat conversations that take
place while using the new AIM 6.0. The new version
adds chat logging, scheduling,
online time limits, and feature blocking to AIM 6.0!
Of course, you can still use AIM 5.9 with Parent
Tools as well.
Download AIM 5.9 here if you need it.
Website Update
March 14, 2007 |
have moved the site to a brand new server, so
everything should be faster and more responsive.
If you have any issues, please
let us know. Update (3/16):
We have moved to a new and much improved help desk
system, do to irresolvable issues with the old help
desk. If you had an account on the old help
desk, please
create a new account here. You may
still (temporarily) view the old help desk
Frequently Asked Questions
October 5, 2006 |
New Parent Tools
for AIM - AIM Triton Support
January 4, 2006 |
 Parent Tools for AIM ( download)
will now record IM and chat conversations that take
place while using AIM Triton. The new version
adds chat logging, however due to the way AIM Triton
is built, other features like scheduling and
blocking of certain features are disabled while
using Triton. If you require scheduling,
online time limits, and feature blocking, you can
still use AIM 5.9, you can
download AIM 5.9 here.
6.0 - Triton
November 23, 2005 |
a quick update on the status of
Parent Tools for AIM. America Online
has released a new version of AIM, which for all
intents and purposes, is completely different from
AIM 5.9. Parent Tools for AIM is being worked
on now to add logging support for this new version
of AIM. Of course, the update when released
will be free to all of our existing customers.
Thank you for your patience in this matter!
Parent Tools
Newsletter Up and Running
October 11, 2005 |
Parent Tools newsletter script on the home
page is now working. Sign up, so any time we
have a new or updated release, you'll be the first
to know.
New Parent Tools Web Site Design!
September 13, 2005 |
new Parent Tools web site is up and running!
Please send us an email if you find any incorrect
links or other issues. A change this big is likely to mess a
thing or two up, but we promise to have them fixed
ASAP. Known Issues: The
Newsletter on the home page is not yet working, and
the Resellers page needs more information. Also, please
send us your feedback via the new Help Desk!
Program! Parent
Tools for Yahoo! Messenger
May 27, 2005 |
Tools for Yahoo! Messenger has been released
to the public! This new program offers all of the
great features you've come to appreciate in Parent
Tools, like stealth mode,
conversation logging, online schedules and more! You
can download the free trial, check out the Parent
Tools for Yahoo! Feature list, or purchase
immediately and securely online!
New Parent's
Internet Guide
May 23, 2005 |
Parent Tools for AIM
September 12, 2005 |
release for Parent Tools fixes some issues raised
with the latest version of AIM. Also a logging issue
was addressed, so if you have had problems with
recording in the past, this update is highly
Download Parent Tools for AIM now!