Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

These are real testimonials from real customers who purchased or evaluated Parent Tools software.  If you would like to send in your own testimonial, please send it to

We would like to thank everyone below for sending in those kind words!  It really makes the day go by quicker when we get one of these. :)

 Thank you for the wonderful service you provide to enable parents to help keep our children safe and to understand them, at an age when communication could tend to break down. It will enable us to keep talking with our kids.

 Just want to thank you for your efforts in this area. It has actually helped my daughter stay out of trouble rather than get into it. I have been able to watch trends in the behavior of many of the kids by reading their IMs which has helped me keep a more reasonable and realistic perspective.

PT is a great tool and I have recommended it to friends. Some parents think it is wrong to snoop into their children's chats, but the truth is, if I didn't snoop, my daughter might not be here today. I noticed behavior changes in my teenage daughter last year, and she was always IMing her friends, but would close the box whenever I walked by.

After I downloaded and used Parent Tools, I found out that my daughter and her best friend were contemplating suicide, and actually had an earlier suicide attempt that I was unaware of. The night I read this info using PT, I immediately got her help. She is doing much better now.

 Thanks for the info. Your software has been a god-send for us. It has really given us an insight on what is going on inside our 13-year-old's head! And allowed us to head-off potentially dangerous circumstances.

Mark G.

Thank you for this program it has been a great asset in keeping up with what is going on in my children's world and helps me be a better parent.
Thank you again,
Randy McCann

Thank you so much for your quick response and for making this easy for me. I did what you told me to and it worked great. It's nice to get customer service like that. It's not easy to come by.
Jenny Hartley

Thank you very much. Being the parent to a 14 year old this has been a great help in monitoring our daughters activities. Running in stealth mode she has no idea it is even here. With the many predators online these days I feel much safer being able to control who has access to her.

Thank you again for your continued support, I would recommend all parents to utilize this great tool!
Daniel Jaycox

 Hi - I bought Parent Tools and it works great, thank you for this product.

Thank you,
Jim S.

Hi there, Just wanted to say thanks for making an effective, easy to use tool to limit IM usage.
Dennis Z.

  Your system is amazing.... it has helped keep my child more safe thank you so much!

  I used this software for about 1 year and I was extremely happy with it *BEFORE* any recent upgrades/fixes. The nice thing about it was that it, in effect, helped me to teach my daughter to be more responsible with her AIM time and removed any "head to head" issues over her AIM use. After a year or so, I now don't even bother checking it, since her AIM usage is minimal and responsible. When I lost my password and had a problem re-installing the software, the author responded to my query within 24 hours.  Try it for yourself before purchasing! That's what I did and I've never regretted my purchase. I've been using PC's since the IBM XT first came out: this is an excellent, very useful piece of software that is very reasonably priced.
Posted on a Download Site

 Looks like you are keeping rather late hours for answering your email... thanks for taking the time to do so.

 Thank you for your help. I LOVE your program.
Susan G.

 I purchased your software for our computer and truly think it's wonderful!

Thank you,
Mrs. McClure

Your software is the best I have ever seen. I have used <competing product> but that does not record every message. Eventually  <competing product> stopped working. You must be very intelligent to have developed this software.
Kristine B.

  I can't thank you enough for your prompt responses and patience.

 Thank you so much for helping me. This tool has been incredible!! I have told all my friends with computers and kids about it!!
Thanks again,
Christine E.

Thank you for all your help. Your customer support was awesome.

Thanks Again,
Linda S.

 I have parent tools and have loved all that it does.
Karla J.

Your product is great, and it works perfectly. Thanks!
Again, thanks for your help. Happy Holidays.
Walter C.

Thanks for the help. Great software, by the way!! I'm a software architect and typically I'm not impressed from what I find online. But yours is very well done! Kudos! It really does the trick for my 13 year old at home.

I will be recommending it to all parents!
Don S.

 With 4 kids, I have been searching for something exactly like this product. Thanks for your help!

 I recently downloaded parent tools to monitor my child's computer for the trial period. I just wish I would have found your product sooner..

We are extremely happy with the software, Thank You!
Craig P.

 Thanks Joe,

I appreciate the support and will pass the word along about your product.

 Dear Joe,
Your software is great. It does everything I hoped it would.
Kristine B.

 I downloaded the demo, looks nice, very intuitive.

 I am a registered user and use this product to monitor my childs activity
online. It is a wonderful tool.

 It has helped us tremendously to monitor our children's behavior.  It is fantastic and I know we have sold at least 5 copies of it!!.
Tim H.

 Overall, I like what I see in the program and it provides the functionality
that I am looking for in an AIM monitor & control utility.
Rick B.

 I need some help here! I am proposing a meeting at our Plano PTA meeting, featuring the security and safety of our kids on the internet. Our elementary school has over 50+ 4th and 5th graders using AIM! Many parents -(Almost all of them here) don't know there is software available to monitor IM dialog, set timers, etc..... I would like to feature your Parental Controls software and make it available to the parents that night as well. Teaching parents how easy this is to use will be key! Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as we will probably be featuring this at the Middle, Jr., and High School levels.

Thanks you.

 We have been pleased with the monitoring capability of Parent Tools for AIM.

D.H. White

 Joe, thank you very much for being so prompt with this, your timing is impeccable at best. Have a good day.

  Thank you for a great program!

 ... By the way this is a super awesome program. Thankyou!

This is exactly the support I was expecting.  All I ask is for some feedback, and I have received such.

Thank you!

Dave Roberts

 I was happy to find your utility and like the ability to limit activity and by total time. The ability to block specified users is also useful.
Chris C.

 thank you so much joe. i will work on these things as soon as i have the time. your prompt and courteous e-mails are appreciated. have a good day.

Please add that I think you’ve been super-polite as well. :grin:
Robin M.

 Hey! Removing the Smiley Central worked!  Thanks SO much - great customer service.

I love your product (Parent Tools for AIM). I have recommended this to several other parents and they too love it.

 Thanks for the information.  It is great and I am purchasing two licenses.
A Grateful Mom

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